Facebook Introduced Subscribe button Atul Singh Sunday, 18 September 2011 No Comment

Recently Facebook introduced a new feature "Subscribe button" that works similar to tweeter's follow button. Whenever you follow a celebrities,journalists,political figures,sportspersons etc. you get their updates,Similarly subscribing to a person will enable you to get their updates. Also every person can enable Subscibe option on their profile by which the peoples who are not your friend can get your updates. Till now you can share your facebook wall posts and feeds with limited friends but now by subscibe option user's feeds can be subscibed by non-friends. So works somewhat similar like tweeter's follow button.

If you want to enable  your wall posts and updates to be subscribed by non-friends you need to allow Subscibe option. You can allow you wall posts subscibtions by non friends from here.
Also you can subscribe to feeds from facebook pages.
                                              (Click on image to see the enlarged view.)

Facebook Ceo, Mark Zuckerberg has more than (5,417,345) Subscribers till now.

The subscribe button is on the top right  of facebook page near the message button.
Learn more about facebook subscribe button.

by Atul Singh

Atul Singh is a Tech blogger. He enjoys to share tech news. He always try to make his readers comfortable. For more iformation you can contact him.

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