Chitika ads show Adchoices | joins IAB Atul Singh Saturday, 10 September 2011 No Comment

A few days ago, I noticed a new change in the search targeted ad. Program "Chitika", that I use to monetize my blogs. The new change is the access and its logo appearing in the ads, which is also seen in Google Adsense ads.
Chitika recently became a member of the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) that comprises of various ad companies. and it aims to  provide relevant online advertisement .

This will benefit Advertisers, publishers as well as users as relevant and meaningful ads will be displayed.
Chitika remarks "Right Ads to the Right User at the Right Time."
This will help publishers increase their CTR as number of clicks will increase and hence the revenue, while advertisers will be able to find the desired audience, thus Chitika ads are improving and becoming User friendly.

Check the Post written by Sarah on Chitika inc. Blog .

Here are the snapshots that I have captured showing Chitika ads with Adchoices.

Also read : - Top 5 Google Adsense alternatives 
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by Atul Singh

Atul Singh is a Tech blogger. He enjoys to share tech news. He always try to make his readers comfortable. For more iformation you can contact him.

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