How to make a blog | start blogging today Atul Singh Wednesday, 3 August 2011 No Comment

Making a blog is very simple. You need to do few steps in order to initialize.

 1. Choose a blogging platform most popular are blogger and wordpress. I'll suggest you to go for blogger for starting as it is free & quite simple  and also its a google product.

2. Sign up @ with your gmail account and proceed choosing a domain name or url like [] { will appear after your chosen name.}

3. Next start doing the blogging. Write good posts on whatever topic you want to choose. Make sure that the content in your posts must be original no duplicate content.

4. After building up our blog you must submit it to and sign up for  a Google analytics account  and submit your blog url to search engines like google, yahoo and bing so that whatever you are posting is indexed and will appear in search results on search engines.

5.One more thing if you are posting good and people are visiting ur blog you can earn out of your blog by various ads progammes


by Atul Singh

Atul Singh is a Tech blogger. He enjoys to share tech news. He always try to make his readers comfortable. For more iformation you can contact him.

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