[HOW TO ] add your Google + profile badge to your site |blog widget Atul Singh Wednesday, 10 August 2011 No Comment

Google recently launched its social networking website Google + in rival  to Facebook. So the websites have started coming out with widgets for the same to show your google + profile account  to the visitors of your site.
This widget enables you to connect with people by adding them to your circles.
This is starting of widgets of google + and expecting a lot more within a few months.
Adding this widget to your website or blog is very easy. You need to visit widgetplus in order to get this widget.
You need to copy  your google plus profile id That means like plus.google.com/xxxxxx    This XXXX Is your profile code. Just copy this XXXX and proceed adding a widget by copying the automatically generated javascript code. The widget can be modified a bit by choosing its width and choosing the update feed option.

by Atul Singh

Atul Singh is a Tech blogger. He enjoys to share tech news. He always try to make his readers comfortable. For more iformation you can contact him.

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